St. Bartholomew's 125th Anniversary of Present Church
30th November 2008 This banner celebrating events of the past 125 years was presented at a special service on the above date. It was crafted by our Crafty Creators who are Jessica, Harriet, Heather, Rachael, Fiona, Jasmine, Sophie, Connie, Tobias, Theo and Amillie. Thanks go to these young people and all the 'Mums' who provided help and support for the project which started in the half term school holiday. At the top we have the years of the consecration of the Church and the 125th Anniversary, together with Holy Spirit represented as a dove and the chalice and paten representing the celebration of Holy Communion over the years. Below is a large bell and several smaller ones as a reminder of the work done on the Bell Tower this year. The War Memorial with poppies of various sizes is a symbol of Remembrance, below which is represented Advent and Christmas, the installation of electricity in 1948, and communication through the ages. One of our congregation remarked it would be good for the banner to remain visible in our Church at least until the children presently involved in Crafty Creators were able to show their children what was achieved. |